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State of the symphony Survey

Help Us Improve & Grow! We want to know what you think:

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All of the questions below are optional. Please complete as many as you are able and then click the “submit” button at the bottom. Your responses will be kept strictly private. We do not share contact information with any organizations outside of GJSO. Because GJSO belongs to the citizens of the Western Slope – we value those opinions and we need your help to grow and improve. We read every response and comment. We look forward to including your input into our next season launching very soon.

Concerts and Events

Would you recommend the Symphony to a friend?
How many concerts did you attend this season? (From August to April)
What other types of events would you be interested in?


For our new season, the symphony is expanding its venue options. How likely are you to attend a concert at the following venues?
Very UnlikelyUnlikelyNeutral – No PreferenceLikelyVery LikelyUndecided
Very Unlikely
Neutral – No Preference
Very Likely
CMU Love Recital Hall
Very Unlikely
Neutral – No Preference
Very Likely
CMU New Performing Arts Theatre
Very Unlikely
Neutral – No Preference
Very Likely
Las Colonias
Very Unlikely
Neutral – No Preference
Very Likely
New Grand Junction High School Auditorium
Very Unlikely
Neutral – No Preference
Very Likely
What factors determine your attendance at an event?


Have you every donated to the Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra? (This does not include purchasing a ticket)
Do you donate to other non-profits?
What would make you more likely to donate to the Symphony?
Which of These Symphony Programs Are you Most Likely to donate for?


How do you receive news and information?
How far ahead do you plan to attend a concert?
How do you like to stay informed about upcoming events and news from the Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra?
You May Select More Than One

Season Packages

What would make you more likely to become a Season Subscriber?

Program Book

What is your preferred method for viewing the program for concerts? Select only one option.


What factors would make you want to join the guild?
What Guild events would you be interested in?


Have you attended a GJSO Gala before?
Rate how the following factors would effect your decision to attend a Gala?
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.This factor is appealing to me.NeutralNot at all interested.This factor would keep me from attending.
An elegant catered dinner.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
A live auction with an auctioneer.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
Auction Items I'm interested in.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
The orchestra playing live music.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
The Opportunity to dance to a live symphony.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
An opportunity to wear formal and semiformal clothing.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
A fun and appealing theme and decorations.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
Door Prizes
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
A short message from the Music director.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
Other performances such as dance or opera.
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
A free photo booth
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.
A full service bar
I would want to attend the Gala for this reason.
This factor is appealing to me.
Not at all interested.
This factor would keep me from attending.

Additional Comments and Suggestions